
We believe that every child is a unique human being brought into the world with boundless potential. Each child is different and carries alongside him some extraordinary qualities. As Pablo Picasso said, every child is an artist; however, the prevailing issue is how to remain an artist once he grows up. The environment where the child lives (home and school) begins putting various labels. These false tag names in due course become a burden and impede development. Comparing and judging from early childhood and expecting that each child should behave in a certain predefined path that goes about as a further obstruction in the natural learning curve.

In a rush to teach them every subject in a structured and linear way, prevalent education system is messing with the law of evolution. Every child, by the virtue of being a living being, is born with the most natural trait of learning – for pleasure, for curiosity, for innovation, for protection, for survival.

Here at The VITS School, we aim to provide an environment where children significantly learn independently and grow. We play the role of facilitators in this learning journey and let kids develop and find things on their own. We strive to make a domain where kids realize "How to think" as opposed to "What to think", where they figure out how to "Be their age" and not "Act their age". We aim at fostering happy human beings assimilated with fundamental, timeless values that help them face life in all its varied and rich dimensions. We wish to achieve a change from making youngsters proficient to encouraging their development into emotionally strong human beings. That is the transformation we are trying to trigger at The VITS School.